Our 2024 New Year's "Resolutions"

Originally published January 15, 2024

Hi everyone, and welcome to 2024!

Over the last few years, I haven’t been one to try and write down New Year’s Resolutions. It was something I loved doing when I was younger, but then again I was always inspired by the idea of starting fresh. However, going into this year I am not thinking of “starting fresh,” but instead I am thinking of “what can I accomplish.”

As I go into the second year of Livina Press, I find myself going back to some of the ideas I had when I first dreamed of this magazine. A lot of things happened last year (and I am still trying to catch up) but going into 2024 I have a different mindset.

So, what can you expect from Livina Press? Well, let’s talk about it!

  1. A monthly newsletter. On the first of every month, a newsletter will go out with updates and recent blog posts, along with a list of literary magazines that are open/will be open for that month.

  2. Patreon. Our Patreon is almost ready to go–with some goodies attached to some of the tiers!

  3. The first Livina Press Writing Contest. Now, this is still an idea, and the details are being fleshed out, but (hopefully) by the summer we will have our first short story writing contest. Depending on how this contest goes, we could potentially have a poetry writing contest!

  4. Paying/compensating contributors. This is the biggest thing that I will be working towards this year. Seeing as Livina Press is still very small (and a one-woman gig!) I am doing what I can to try and reach this goal as quickly as possible.

Some other ideas (that are being entertained but are not set):

  1. Annual Subscriptions. This would be a test run with limited subscriptions, but I am interested in seeing how this goes!

  2. New Merchandise. 

All the support that I and Livina Press has received over the last (almost) two years has been nothing short of amazing, and I am excited to see where 2024 will bring this little magazine. I do have some things happening in my personal life (I’m getting married this year!) but Livina Press will always be one of the most important things to me.

Thank you for coming on this journey with me. Thank you for reading.

I hope you have a wonderful year, and cheers to 2024!

All the best,

Laci Felker



A Triadic Suite of Poems by John RC Potter


"her destiny" & "night and night" by Yuu Ikeda