A. R. Arthur

My name is A.R.Arthur and aside from Writing, I enjoy long walks, travel and Duolingo :)

Question 1: What inspired you to start writing?

A frustration with modernity/postmodernity! A sense of isolation as an ultra mixed-race person with a different outlook on life as well as different world views that are not commonly shared or understood.

Question 2: How have your past experiences influenced you as a writer?

Immensely! My motto is ruthless pragmatism! So the past has definitely impacted my writing in the sense that I release feelings, frustration and all emotions otherwise through my writing. Essentially, every A.R. poem is crystallized emotion seldom understood entirely by the majority.

Question 3: What have you written that you're the most proud of?

Definitely my third Chapbook 'Half Bred'!

Question 4: What is your writing process like? Are you more of a plotter or a pantser?

I prefer to write as it comes to me. Sometimes its in the shower and I write out what I can on my notes app, sometimes its at Airport security. I don't pressure myself to write and take the time to write as it comes instead of forcing it. This way, I don't experience writer's block. I just write when it happens.

Question 5: If you could spend a day with another popular author, whom would you choose?

Joan Kwon Glass/Renee Agatep and so many others.

Question 6: Do you play music while you write — and, if so, what’s your favorite?

Deep House/Farsi/Arabic: Khaleeji and North African/ Some Techno

Question 7: What do you think is the best way to improve writing skills?

Practice and be open to feedback and constructive criticism. Accept rejections and cherish them because it means you are getting somewhere! Be proud of the journey not just the destination. Practice again and again. Write just to write and then you will truly become a writer!

Question 8: As a writer, what would you choose as your internal animal?

Definitely a Manatee! Just the calmness and the 'just hanging out' attitude is definitely reflective of me as a writer as I don't force my writing.

Question 9: If you had to describe yourself in just three words, what would those be?

Pragmatic, Covert, Brown

Question 10: How many books have you written and which is your favorite?

20 (including published collections/my novel) I wouldn't say I have a concrete favorite as I love all my writing. But I do think 'Vultures' & 'Half-Bred' (Chapbooks 2 and 3) definitely stand out the most with regards to artistic flare, strength of craft and imagery!


Tom Farr


Mark Baillie