How to submit to Midnight Ink

What we’re looking for:

Anything and everything centered around the spooky and haunting. Shadows that follow you. The slow descent into madness. The monsters under your bed and in your closet. Anything that evokes the same feelings and thoughts as fall.

Categories to submit to:

  • Poetry (1-5 poems)

  • Fiction (500-10,000 words)

  • Creative Non-Fiction (500-10,000 words)

How to send it:

Please email with the subject line:

Midnight Ink - [Your category] - Your name

The Details:

  • You can submit multiple types of work. Please send them in the same email but make sure to say what document/title goes with what category.

  • Simultaneous submissions are accepted and encouraged, but please let us know ASAP if it has been accepted elsewhere!

  • Document Format: .doc/.docx (if submitting an experimental form of poetry, please submit a PDF as well).

  • No requirements for font or document format, but when in doubt: Times New Roman, 12-point font, 1-inch margins, stories = double-spaced.

  • In the body of your email, please include your short (75-words or less), third-person author bio (please include the name you would like to be known as/have your name appear in the magazine!).

  • If there is anything you would like me to consider while reading your work (like the background for why you wrote something), but please keep it brief (100 words or less)—and this is not required!

  • Response time may vary (I aim for 3-5 weeks).

Hard Guidelines:

  • No use of slurs or derogatory phrases.

  • No work that promotes or glorifies suicide, drug use, or contains excessive and unnecessary depictions of violence or gore.

  • If your work contains references or implications of suicide, self-harm, or assault, please include a warning at the beginning of your submission.

  • Livina Press accepts everyone and will not tolerate hate towards any person or group based on race, religion, national origin, sex, handicap, or family status.


  • Livina Press: Midnight Ink asks for first serial rights and archival rights. Rights convert back to the author after publication.

  • In the future, if a piece that was first accepted and published through Livina Press: Midnight Ink is accepted elsewhere, I would ask that you please acknowledge Livina Press: Midnight Ink in the publication.

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