Jonathan Fletcher
My name is Jonathan Fletcher. Originally from San Antonio, Texas, I currently reside in New York, where I attended Columbia University's School of the Arts MFA program. Besides reading and writing, I enjoy running, volunteering, and watching films.
Question 1: What inspired you to start writing?
My third-grade teacher, Ms. Plaunt, helped teach me how to read, as well as encouraged me to write. Because of her, in fact, I had my first poem published in a children's magazine at the age of 8.
Question 2: How have your past experiences influenced you as a writer?
My post-secondary education and mental health challenges (the former of which included English and Religious Studies, the latter of which surfaced in young adulthood) have both influenced me as a writer. In fact, I see the two as inextricably linked. Though not a particularly religious individual, I take the idea of the sacred and ineffable quite seriously. For most of my adulthood, I viewed my brain and body as faulty, signs of personal failure. However, with time, therapy, and medication, as well as an invaluable support network, I have come to embrace both, to count them as no less sacred and worthy of self-care than anyone else's.
Question 3: What have you written that you're the most proud of?
My poem, "Dirigibles," which, in 2019, won First Prize for Poetry in Our Lady of the Lake University's literary magazine, "The Thing Itself." Though I would include a link, the issue is only available in print.
Question 4: What do the words “writer’s block” mean to you?
An opportunity! If you're struggling to come up with the right words (or any at all), try to intentionally write the "wrong" words. Don't stress if they don't make sense. That's the point.
Question 5: When did you first call yourself a writer?
Not until 2012, when I returned to poetry in a serious manner.
Question 6: What is your writing process like? Are you more of a plotter or a pantser?
Plotter, definitely.
Question 7: What is the most valuable piece of advice you’ve been given about writing?
Listen seriously to every piece of feedback you receive on your work, but ultimately don't let others' input determine the direction of your writing, much less the unique qualities of your voice.
Question 8: What do you think is the best way to improve writing skills?
Read, read, read! Aside from that, though, seek out feedback from those whom you trust and who support you but will also and always tell you what they really think.
Question 9: What are your favorite blogs or websites for writers?
"Structure and Surprise" (
Question 10: What do the words “literary success” mean to you? How do you picture it?
respect and validation from fellow authors