Tim Demarco

I'm Tim DeMarco, born and raised in New Jersey, currently located at the Jersey Shore after bouncing around for most of my life. I read, write, translate, teach German, play in unsuccessful punk bands, and have a really big mouth.

Question 1: What inspired you to start writing?

Like most people, I dabbled with writing poetry and short stories when I was in college. Then I started translating a novel and some stories by Thorsten Nagelschmidt. One time he asked me something like, “Have you ever thought of writing your own material?” So I did.

Question 2: How have your past experiences influenced you as a writer?

Life does things to you, y'know?

Question 3: What have you written that you're the most proud of?

I'm incredibly proud of my debut novel, RELEASE ME, with Unsolicited Press.

Question 4: What is your writing process like? Are you more of a plotter or a pantser?

100% plotter when it comes to novels. Short stories are definitely more "sit down with an idea and let it happen."

Question 5: What is your kryptonite as a writer?

Time. I'm petitioning for a 30-hour day and 9-day week, at least.

Question 6: Do you play music while you write — and, if so, what’s your favorite?

I like to call myself a musician as I've been creating music in bands for close to 25 years, but when I write I need silence.

Question 7: What do you think is the best way to improve writing skills?

Read tons. And write as much as you can. Then read more.

Question 8: Who has been the biggest supporter of your writing? 

Everyone, really. The literary community has been great to me (even though I consider myself an outsider), and my family and friends have never ceased to amaze me with their support.

Question 9: Some advice

Support independent writers. Read books put out by independent presses. Explore independent literary journals. Buy/order all of your books from independent/local bookstores. It's easy and means the world to people.


Jess Levens


Aleah Romer